Emotional Intelligence
Individuals and Teams
Emotional Intelligence Growth
Assessing your emotional intelligence targets areas that will dramatically increase your performance, personal interactions, and leadership practices. Emotional intelligence is "a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way." It is important because emotional intelligence is NOT STATIC.
Your emotional intelligence can and will change over time and can be targeted to improve your overall well-being. Using the EQi 2.0 assessment, we will discover your strengths, exploiting them in your favor while building those areas where you are less aware.
The EQ Edge Emotional Intelligence and Your Success by Stein and Book
Your Growth
Discover and use your strengths to achieve your goals
Break through barriers that hold you back
Begin a pattern of thinking and doing that resonates with your values
Lead your team to a healthier and more creative dynamic
Deepen and strengthen relationships at work and in your personal life
Understand how your actions will take you to your ultimate vision
Team Coaching & Learning Opportunities
Your team can work with me to manage change, improve effectiveness, and communicate with clarity with team coaching. A customized program for your team will improve your organizational results.
Programs include Emotional Intelligence Success Factors, Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Managing Critical Conversations